The Anti Corruption Bureau is the main investigative unit of the Vigilance Department. The main investigating wing was started in June, 1967, when the Govt. set up a Special Inquiry Agency (SIA) for enquiring into corruption related complaints referred to it by the State Government. Progressive expansions took place from time to time and at present there is fairly widespread and effective network throughout the State.The Special Inquiry Agency was rechristened as the State Vigilance Bureau in the year 1978 and the nomenclature of State Vigilance Bureau has been changed to Anti Corruption Bureau in Feb, 2023 and presently functions as such under the charge of it’s Director General who is an IPS Officer in the rank of DGP/ ADGP. The Director, who is the head of Department is assisted by an Addl. Director General of Police, Inspector General of Police, Deputy Inspector(s) General of Police, Superintendent(s) of Police, Deputy Superintendent(s) of Police and officers / officials of other ranks. Read More

Chief Minister, Haryana
Shri Nayab Singh Saini
"Eradicating corruption is Haryana govt’s utmost priority"

Sh. Alok Mittal, IPS
Additional Director General of Police
Anti Corruption Bureau, Haryana

Sh. Vivek Joshi, IAS
Chief Secretary, Haryana
Administrative Secretary, Vigilance Department
Red Handed Trap
Do Not Give Bribe.
If any official, whosoever he may be, demands bribe for doing your official work.... You can report the same through Toll Free Anti Corruption Bureau Helpline No. 1064 & 1800-180-2022 at once for Red Handed Trap of the official.
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